We have been successful in receiving funding for a new music album called Kardarchi Man by Buck & Joe McKenzie and SA Arts Music Grant. I am producing this on a voluntary basis. please contact us for more information.
Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Come on Come on join hands around the world
Come on Come on every boy and girl
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan x2
Dolphin Love Healing Waters
Peace Eagle Flies so high
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Rainbow Warriors of Peace awaken! X2
Oh Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan
Wandjila Wandjila WAndjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Come on Come On join hands around the world
Come on ccome on every boy and girl
Wandjila Wandjila WAndjila WAkinyan WAnblee
Peace Love One Earths Family.
Ah Heyo Hey Wayo Ah Heyo Hey Wayo Welo.repeatx7
On Drums with rattles didgeridoo clapsticks and guitar. In chords …..A minor ….D minor
Wandjila Dolphin in Aboriginal Mirning Language permission by Uncle Buna Lawrie Mirning Elder South Australia
Wakinyan Thunderbeings Healing Rains Lakota Language by Permision of Lakota Eagle Staff Carrier William Whiteagle.
Wanblee Spotted Eagle Great Spirit Messenger Lakota Language by permission William Whiteeagle.
Ah Heyo Hey Wayoh Ah Heyo Wayoh welo a prayer song to the creator
Heo Heyo Heyo Heyokah
Chi ho ho ho ho
Yah Yah Yah Yah HO!
Repeat 7 times/ drumming song/ heartbeat
White Buffolo Calf Womans Birthing Song
Love is why we came here
Love is why we stay
Love is the Path
That is showing US the WAY.
Repeat 7 times. On Drumbeat / heartbeat.
We are the children of Radiance Radiance Radiance
White Buffolo Calf Womans KIN KIN KIN
We are the Children of Radiance Radiance Radiance
The Double Helix Spin Spin Spin
Like a lightening arrow or a
Galloping Mare
We are pulled to the centre of Life Life Life Life
Shedding the Old we DON wings of Magnificence
We and the Eagle Take Flight Flight Flight Flight
We are the Children of Radiance Radiance Radiance
White Buffolo Calf Womans KIN KIN KIN KIN
We are the children of Radiance Radiance RADiance
The Double helix Spin Spin Spin Spin…
Drumming Heartbeats.
By Permision EarthThunder Rainbow Cherokee Medicine Woman since 1998.
Please buy a copy of my mums book.. Your Health Your Vitality Your Choice…. it took mum…Yvonne… all her life experience to write it and 6 years of focus…i hope you enjoy this book …also I am featured in the birth section…my debut as a published writer… my sister joy a gold medal award winning photographer many times over did the cover work…and pics.
.Yvonne’s contact details are herbalist1939@gmail.com for ordered copies signed by Yvonne only $39.95 , plus postage.
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