Hands Around The World

News – Pre 2016

Hi Good People…2016

This has been a very busy year so far reinstating HATW…refocusing after Uncle Josephs Death in 2014……and in Respect…

In keeping with Adnyamathanha Tradition no music with Josephs voice was played for a year..he was a great Songman..Bushman.. we came together and did his carving Memorium on 9th September 2015 with Uncle Freddy Agius and Uncle Hecta Hareakhia and the Camp Law Mob and Josephs family members on Pugalist Hill Rawnsley Park Station near Wilpena Pound…his favourite place and now his Memorium Carving by Uncle Freddy Agius looks North over Wilpena Pound… as he was a North Wind Man…and I am a South Wind Woman…In 2016 September this year we arrived once again to honor Joseph at Pugalist Hill…this time with many friends and family..i feel that this event will become a Tradition..i was so happy to see a little worn path where People have stopped to Pray or Ponder and visit…

In May- August I decided to begin creating some small exciting events.Putting myself out there and regaining the confidence needed after Josephs passing.I missed him so much my old Mate.Joseph visits me occasionally in dreams..guiding me…he is so amazing…what a gift he gave me when he passed the angels and the pure gold spirit….

I began with Medicine Wheel Teachings/Film/Stories and Songs.From my own life experiences and past and present teachers…Also Personal Healing Dreamwarrior Sessions…

I arranged this in Adelaide so I could visit family afterwards in the Flinders and keep in touch as much as possible with the Adnyamathanha..

I met Uncle Jeffrey Newchurch a Garma Elder who did our Welcome to Country..and shared stories at different locations around Adelaide. I met Remi from the Crystal shop..who then helped me to meet a wonderful group…we went on to create a lovely Flower Essence Sunshine Wattle…for hope and Joy and inner sunshine..with quartz crystal for clarity and balance.. at the Mt Crawford area together..

as well id like to thank the Spiritual Church Elizabeth for their love and support…we had a weekend campout we shared…sharing with Uncle Freddy Agius Nurrunga Elder we had a special healing journey together. I met a lovely couple at Hope Valley too who supported the messages and sharings.Danny and Marion.Through Bob their friend.So many great people…I loved singing for them I so love to sing…

I visited Uncle Buna Lawrie in Melbourne…he was off to fight BP in the Bight with Seashepherd..a great outcome as they have now stopped BP.He then went on to Norway to stop whaling there.He wants to do a new album and maybe borrow Josephs old Gibson guitar to play.Uncle Bunna would like to see his songlines healed by doing a journey by people walking on his land..praying for over 300 kms….any interest let us know…Nullabor Plain SA/WA from Ceduna.

The Flinders Ranges Elders are having big issues with the Nucleur Waste Dump planned for Hawker and the CSG Mining Fracking at Leigh Creek..we support a big NO for both of these issues.I was on the land in June when the govt came and at the big meetings we said NO.Now Jay Weatherall has received feedback from 350 people that 70% said No to Nucleur Waste.They are not convinced of the safety and billions of cost issues.So Pray they don not go ahead…what a disaster ..as this place is on the major songlines of the whole of Australia…Our Camp Law Mob of Elders along with ANFA are staying Strong..Our Women Elders are leading the Way.

I have arranged with ATLA to repay $80 per fortnight for 27 payments re the unfair practice of their Defamation issue they placed upon HATW.I have paid $8000 in full over the last 2 years.When you make a difference sometimes you have to put your money where your mouth is..who said that quote??I forgive them as this is all I can do forgive them for their wanting a scapegoat for their issues and I was that person.Never trust the polilticians as they let us down so badly where are you Nick Xenoophon who promised so much and delivered zero…Be careful what you email to friends…who turn out not to be friends..i forgive them too..i have no respect and nil tolerance for the ATLA group and their current constitution they refuse to abide by and constantly ignore….i have nil respect for the lawyers who do their biding…I was given a gag order..or I would have to go bankrupt..as they wanted $70,000.A lesson well learned…I pass it along so you may avoid this one..it places your reputation that you have worked so hard on keeping all your life… on the line..When you don’t have someone watching your back sometimes you get stabbed…Real…

This Issue re Nucleur Waste was one of the messages I was sharing with different groups…as well as inviting people to come on the 2016 tag a long tour with the Elders of the Filnders Ranges in September….through their tour company Warkala tours.What an amazing 9 days we had together..sharing culture stories songs eating together traditional tucker and sharing music and fires…making art and new friends..carrying the message stick of love…through the land…please see pics on website…Our Nurrunga Elders had a great time in the south on the Eyre Peninsula showing us around their traditional lands and sharing stories…wonderful…many thankyous..please see pics soon..

We helped out Old Man Possum..Waradjiri People..and Son Dinawan..Old Man Emu…their love saw us through many challenges.. and he helped us..as part of our tour we visited him he was so ill……Andrews songs were so beautiful the whole staff in the nursing home stopped to listen… after the tour he recovered and thanked us….. with ceremony including ochre and a new name…

Thankyou to Maori friends and family Uncle Hecta Hareakhia ..Aunty Ehetere Watson and Families for their Hungii in honour of Joseph in June 2015..the monies raised helped with ongoing memorial costs.

Thankyou to Kerri Ann Cox Jinki for her support in 2014 and the Womyn of the Sun… the Sovreignty tour to Canberra I was involved with.May Sovreignty be found first within us all..educate ourselves to know our true rights…support those who are fighting for those true rights…Especially our Aboriginal Nations…

We Support Standing Rock issues with the Water Protectors standing strong to make sure their river not poisoned and their burial grounds left undisturbed re the Oil company and the River…in 2005 I was at Standing Rock praying by that very river!!!Sitting Bulls monument is there the Medicine Man.Check out the prophecys…black snake..oil pipeline…8th Lakota Prophecy.

My mum Yvonne Tait launched her amazing book this year…Your Health Your Vitality Your Choice I am so proud of her…she is an amazing mentor.. after 6 years of writing and focus read her words of wisdom..…please take a look..buy a copy I have a featured article on birth..my sister Joy Kachina an award winning photographer..did the artwork.So a bit of a family project.

Check out Joys pics on facebook Joy Kachina..she just won another canon award for portraiture this month…her Passion…

The New Black Panther Artwork inspired from a Medicine Dream…was done to help give me Courage for my journey this 2016..following my Passion..have courage and leap into the unknown with Trust in the Great Mystery…very appropriate to say the least clearly sums up my year so far!!!So proves to me personally that what we focus upon happens..be careful what we focus upon..as crap can happen too…like my car breaking down in Cowra..when I needed it most..a fear I held …and there it was to face..plan B a great hire car paid for by RAA..good on them..pays to have a plan B.It has been a real year so far of going with the Flow literally and doing my best..to some people this was not good enough but hey I am only human right???who are they to judge..look at oneself I say… we all have our faults and picklines to weave better..be kind…I also dealt with issues around rejection of just being myself…mostly that worked out ok but on a very close personal level I lost a valued friend.However I am much stronger than I thought and I will remain so.

On a lighter note we are in the planning stages of our third HATW Multi-Cultural Art Music Culture Film Food Dance Festival..we shall keep you posted..for September October 2017.Very exciting Location.

We are currently editing an amazing film from HATW 2014 which Hanumani gifted to us after we asked her help to film during the HAtW 2014…and my daughter Bedarra Rose is editing.Should be available by early next Year.

Christmas or the Festival of Abundant Celebration the Summer Solistice…will be spent with my mum and dad and familys…some swimming..walking..singing…so have a great silly season…and if you can help out others please do ..i have spent some very lonely christmasses in the past and they are not fun….suicide rates go up each year but not this year…

We have beautiful Artworks for sale that have been donated to us to help us do our non profit work…supporting myself and Elders attending and organizing HATW non profit events….Commissions available on request by Sealotus ….please support this and any t-shirt, artcards sales too would be appreciated.

Thankyou Richard for pics during September 2016 Tour..and to Jenny Templin and Hanumani for 2013 and 2014 Pics for HATW.

A Huge Thankyou to Aunty Liz Conner Knox…Songs and Healing and her families and Heather Hakes for their ongoing love and support of this little wakan human…

To Aunty Nellie Patterson my Elder for her love and support this year.. And please support Uluru in blocking any more walks on the Rock…so people can live good lives there and make better changes through a 20% Royalties arrangement not 8% from Gate takings and tourism… for sustaining 3 Aboriginal Communities..Imampa..Mutijulu..Docker River…they are really struggling..the Intervention was a joke…

In memory of Aunty Mulinjarlie…Red Belly Black Snake People.. my family…travel safe…Aunty..and all those Elders this year that passed the Fire to us younger generations..may we never let them down…may the Fire continue to grow stronger…

So perhaps Good Peoples…the New Energys running I feel are to welcome in the massive shifts we shall see by 2018 all over the World.Good Shifts that will really start to help all us little sacred wakan humans and all of our wakan sacred relations who reside upon this great planet of love and light shining our dots of light.May the 6 Powers of the North East South and West above Skyfather and below us Earthmother, Water Air Fire Earth Spirit Soul…be healed and nurtured by us all each and every breath we breath in and out during our blessed lives.May the Ancestors of Song and Dance travel with us Protect and Guide us…Always..May the Great Mystery Remain Strong…Blessings and Love Lynne Sealotus and HATW Team