Hands Around The World

Logo for HATW was originally designed by me Lynne Sealotus Edmondson in 2006.
Painted by Joshua Hakes as a volunteer artist of Nimbin NSW, and using cut out designs of the original artwork from Amber Edmondson of the dolphin and the eagle.
The Warriors around the logo are called miwis and were given to us by Maureen Smith in 1995 for use for the positive good light energy of the people.Holding Hands Around the World.
The Four directions represent the peoples of the earth in the East yellow West black White south and Red north.
And also represent the elements of Earth Air Fire and Water.
The Dolphin and the Eagle have a olive leaf branch in their beaks for coming together through education of each others differences in  Peace.

The Dolphin is called Wandjila from the Mirning Indigenous language group/ people of South Australia and by permission from Elder of the Mirning Uncle Buna Lawrie.
The Wakinyan is representing the Healing Waters from the Lakota Nation of the South Dakota USA.
The Wanblee is representing the Peace Eagle in Lakota  both by permission from Chief William White Eagle Holy man and Eagle Staff Carrier.
The Olive Tree leaf is also circling the entire logo representing the Tree of Knowledge and Wisdom to share and to protect.Promoting Peace and Uniting the Tribe through Education.


HATW was started in Dec 2006.
It began with a dream and $1.
Jane Campion was our first sponsor to help with the first fundraiser in Byron Bay in March 2007, then as a helper to bring over to Australia Peacekeepers and Educators from the Lakota, Shoshone,Arapaho,Larrikyia,Gumbangirr,Celtic,Gomiloroi, and involved with the Morningstar Foundation LA USA, in cultural exchange.Which culminated in an Earth walk of 2 weeks together, uniting people through Art Music Film and Culture, through schools and universities and culminating in 4 days of sponsored Healing and Sharing at the Dreaming Festival 2007 in QLD.(Rhoda Roberts)Thousands of people heard our message.
Then continuing on there was a film sponsorship given from Whipcracking productions for the Intervention peace walk from Adelaide to Uluru.2007.
Due to travelling and making connections in the Kimberly, Uluru and in Flinders Ranges SA we then culminated in the first Flinders Ranges Art Music and Multi Cultural Festival in SA 2013.
Also we arranged and helped organise for another successful HATW Festival in 2014.
We are now doing up a newsletter and we have several films to edit and produce from these events.
Blackmores Foundation Australia are our sponsors.
Private sponsors Bo Lawrie and Heather Hakes.(2007)

Mentored HATW  from 2005 and ongoing  Chief William WhiteEagle.Bilawarra Lee,Fiona Reynolds, One Intention Earth,Liz Conner,Ray Buchanan,Buna Lawrie,Uncle Bob Randall, Adnyamathaha Joseph McKenzie, Maori Ehetere Watson,Yvonne Tait,Ehulani Stephany, & Uncle Charlie Jackson Aunty Enice Marsh and Camp Law Elders, Christine Gregg,Hecta Herekhuia.Kerri anne Cox.

Our Drumming Healing Song – By Sealotus Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Dolphin Love Healing Waters
Peace Eagle Fly so High…oh
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Come On Come On Join Hands Around the World
Come on Come On Every Boy and Girl
Oh Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Rainbow Warriors of Peace Awaken
Rainbow Warriors of Peace Awaken
Oh Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan
Wandjila Wandjila Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee
Its up you its up to me.