Joy Kachina Photography– click here to visit the page
JOY KACHINA APSNZ Landscape & Wildlife Photographer
Through her lens, viewers are transported on an unforgettable journey, allowing the true essence of the Tasmanian Wilderness to come alive.
Each photograph is a testament to her commitment and passion in the art of visual storytelling.
Each frame encapsulates the raw power and delicate beauty found within Tasmania’s diverse landscapes. From the rugged coastline of the Tarkine to the Ancient Forests of the Cradle Valley. The Majestic Mountain Peaks of Northern Tasmania and Serene Lakes of the Highlands are her canvas where she is able to connect with the elements which are both Wild and Remote.
Joy’s dedication and passion for the environment and her photography have earned her numerous awards, both here in Australia and in New Zealand. She holds her APSNZ Honours and has judged for the Photographic Society of New Zealand.
Every photograph taken by Joy, reminds us of the profound connection we have with the natural world. Through her eyes she takes us on a magical journey allowing us to appreciate the beauty and fragility of our Wild Island State of Tasmania.
Join us as we embark on a visual adventure that transcends the ordinary and invites viewers to embrace the extraordinary beauty of Tasmania.
We supported the award winning photography prize recently in Tasmania by Joy Kachina liasing with Une Hank Jorton our Local Elder.
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