In Love & Unity We Welcome You To Join This Very Special Once In A Lifetime Gathering.
Together let’s gather at a private residence beachside and surrounded by nature, on the beautiful lands of Vincentia on the South Coast to share in the wisdom of Indigenous Cultures. We will learn to connect with Country & The Ancestors and build together ‘The Goddess Beauty Rainbow Medicine Wheel’ taught to Grandmother Sealotus by her Teacher Cherokee Medicine Woman ‘Earth Thunder’. This gathering is hosted by Aunty Lynda ‘Millin’ Osborne with Grandmother Lynne ‘Sealotus’ Edmondson & Great Grandmother ‘Unci’ Christine Gregg. (Please see bios below)
We are in wise company and will be joined by Elders and Teachers as Special Guests across cultures.
This is a wonderful and important time to come together as one as we celebrate The Spring Equinox and together vision and dream the new.
Learn The Goddess Beauty Rainbow Medicine Wheel Teachings
Discover Directly –
We will be joined by many Elders and Teachers across cultures at this very special gathering.
Please read more details via the flyer below. We have limited numbers for this event and do encourage you to reach out as soon as possible to secure your participation in this very special day. This event is a gathering of women, men and youth 12 years and older.
We do encourage you to make the most of the Early Bird Offering of $360pp for the weekends events.
This is a not – for – profit event, raising funds for Elders, Aunties & Uncles to attend important Water Ceremonies in Japan this year in unison with many Communities in Ceremony across the planet.
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