In the new Paradigm of The White Buffalo Calf Woman’s Teachings and the Zero Chiefs of the Rainbow Flower Soldiers of Peace..We operate as a volunteer not for profit group.We use the 13% model as our guide in money matters.
eg 13% of your income is savings, 13% is to pin on you personally, 13% is a giveaway to others in the true spirit of assistance, 61% is for your food rents mortgages etc.
All monies left over from our events are put back into our events support Elders and people coming together, t-shirts stickers advertising costs and website costs.
Our events are very inexpensive covering costs only.
We are all volunteers including myself the facilitator.
We operate under the $18,000 tax free threshold each year.
Our events are about supporting community not creating money.
This system has worked liked magic now since 2007.
It has worked because we honestly trust ourselves to do the right thing and to be transparent.
We have bank statements showing our incomings and outgoings.
We have free membership.
People donate their time, time is money they say.
People donate goods to resell to assist us eg Artworks. take a look make a bid on these to assist us.
People usually donate/share abundance with the group, during our events, if needed, to cover costs if we run short.
February Event 2020.
At present we have $250 in our account as a working balance ready for our event in Feb 2020 at Wollumbin.(donated from the facilitator)
We have no outstanding debts payable.We are debt free.
We have some funds needed for the Feb Event for photocopies, fuel, food to share and art gear to attend.We keep all our receipts.
We have 10 People attending so far and some are doing a part exchange for this event.
We have 3 Elders attending.Smoking Ceremony, food and fuel costs.
From this event we put any left over funds towards the June ceremonies planned for Hawaii.
We repay the facilitator.. $250.
Any art sales or teshirt sales go back to the events planned.
June Hawaii Event 2020. We follow the principals laid out as above.we include invited Elders airfares and catering costs if any.
Pending Events.. A Hands Around the World 4 Day Retreat. planned for celebrating 13 years together.To be advised.
Lynne Sealotus Art Exhibitions Lismore TAFE NSW Australia Nov 2020.
All event costs to attend by the visitors are dealt with directly with the host nation.
hands around the world do not take funds to give to the host nation.
We take deposits to support the Elders attending their events they plan with us. We provide tshirts stickers gifts catering needed and any art work costs.
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