Thankyou to our generous Sponsors and Volunteers who are integral in the success of the Beacon of Hope Aska Project in our International Japan.Ceremonies in Miyazaki 6th to 13th November and Mt Fuji 14th and 15th November 2023.Our project facilitated by Lynne Sealotus.Bless to One Earth Foundation.Fiona and Mark Reynolds Aunty Lynda Millin.Aunty Michelle Lewis Sister Carolyn Hickey and,Husband Christopher .Uncle Hecta Herekiuha.Aunty Lois Cook Filmakers Morgan and Jen Miller.Aska Founders Leaders Yuka Okoshi Micco Hilinai and Aska Families including Toma and Shuka Megumi Ura and our Kumu Ehulani Stephany.With Support from Incle Hank Horton Uncle Bunna Lawrie and Uncle Freddy Agius Grandmother Christine Gregg Aunty Seajoy Etty Ayalon Inbar Keren Aunty Marianne Delbridge and so many Friends who attended our Gatherings and Ceremonies Brother Eco Khadka supported this vision Thankyou all to name a few Jalquin Waidelich Michelle Kihara Raine West family Joy Kachina and Yvonne Tait Krystal Fisher and Amber Vinter 13months of pure love in action on our Mother Earths Dragonlines.We look forward to meeting our International Soul Family from First Nations.Mt Shasta Russia France Peru Aotearoa Hawaii Japan Australia.To join us please watch this page for updates.Our Ceremonies are both public and private.Activating Calm Open Brightness Balance Love Beauty Peace Love Justice Abundance Oneness
Hearts Sacred Prayers.With the Assistance of all the Ancestors and Elementals with Mother Earth and Seven Sisters within Us and Without.May the Worlds East Door of Our Protection Crystal be Healed.As standing Together in Harmony we are Powerful Children of the Light and the Divine.
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