Hands Around The World

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors and helpers

We are would love to say a big thank you to Kirt and families at Blue Mouse computers for their continuing tech support since 2011 of all of our events keeping our web page in order. Kirt is a volunteer and we are so happy he chose us to do this for. Thank you Kirt and Families at Blue Mouse computers!

Thank you also to our Cherokee Filmmaker volunteer at Sir Reel films Cherokee Man Morgan Miller from the USA.

Thank you also to our volunteer photographer Jenny Templin from Sydney. Australia

Thank you to all our volunteer Elders attending our events  and helping on phones to speak out their Truths to support our events coming up.

Thank you to Bedarra Rose tech support at home to facilitator Lynne Sealotus, my gorgeous daughter.

Thank you to the Mebbin Rocks Community and Michelle and Families there near Wollumbin NSW.

Thank you to our Hawaiian Elders on the Big Island.

Thank you to Uncle Hecta Herekuiara for car hire costs during the Uluru Ceremonies  we attended in Oct/ Nov 2019.

Thank you to Jeff Shaw for his car  hire extra costs in Hawaii March 2019.

Thank you to all our Beautiful Members for your continuing support.